The application form will only be available during the specific registration dates of the ΘΥΕΣΠΑ program
Before commencing the registration process, please read the information provided and take special note of the required documents.
A. Personal information
Your name and surname must be filled in CAPITAL letters using the Latin alphabet and spelled exactly as in your passport/ID card.
The country of origin that is selected must be same as that of the country that has issued your passport/ID card.
It is essential that the email details filled in are correct and are verified when asked to do so, as all announcements and information is sent via email. It is the responsibility of each student to check emails regularly.
B. Submitting your documents
All documents (except for the photo) must be in pdf format.
The photo must be passport size, coloured and submitted in jpg format.
C. Use of personal information
In order to access the application interface, permission for the use of your personal data is required:
I have read the general conditions concerning the registration process and allow the use of my personal data for record keeping and purposes of communication.